The Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition (DPMC) has written Virginia Governor Ralph Northam asking that he order responsible state officials to correct the failures and improper actions exhibited by the Department of Environmental Quality and State Water Control Board in its improper decision to issue water quality certifications for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline.   The group’s January 17 letter urged prompt action, stating that: “Timing is vital. Degradation of our waters could be imminent if you fail to act and act quickly.”

DPMC requested that three specific actions be taken that are in accordance with the Governor’s previously stated views he voiced as Lieutenant Governor and as a candidate for Governor:

“1. Your environmental officials must use their authority to review and approve or disapprove waterbody crossings covered by the Corps of Engineers’ general permit.

“2. Your environmental officials must prohibit any and all activities related to construction of the pipelines that might affect water quality unless and until all requirements of the WQCs are met.

“3. Your environmental officials must ensure that before the ACP certification is deemed effective: a) remaining plans submitted by the company are made available to the public for review and comment and that DEQ considers and addresses those comments, b) DEQ makes a final recommendation to the SWCB, based on its review of the final plans and of public submissions, and c) DEQ requests formal Board action on its recommendation.”

DPMC Asks Virginia Governor to Restore Integrity to Pipeline Reviews
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