A resolution introduced in the West Virginia House of Delegates that would condemn citizen groups opposing the Atlantic Coast Pipeline has been strongly opposed by the West Virginia Rivers Coalition (WVRC), an ABRA member.  House Resolution 11 condemns “assaults on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline” and urges “the groups spearheading these assaults to stop their attacks and delaying actions and in the process help pave the way for a cleaner and stronger energy future for West Virginia and for the entire nation.”

Angie Rosser, Executive Director of WVRC, on February 18 wrote members of the Rules Committee of the House of Delegates, to which the resolution has been referred:

You may want to condemn the court decisions or condemn your legislative peers who put in place these regulatory schemes, but it’s completely misplaced and inappropriate to condemn citizens of this state who act to make sure laws the legislative branch makes are followed by all.

Please do not advance this resolution to the floor as it undermines the rights of impacted citizens to recourse when laws are violated, and it undermines the legislative branch’s expectation that the laws it creates will be enforced.

A copy of the full text of the letter is available here.

WV Rivers Fires Back at House Resolution Condemning ACP Opponents
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