Dominion Transmission, Inc. (DTI) has responded to an October 26 supplemental information request from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The FERC request (discussed in ABRA Update 103, October 27) contained 69 specific questions, to be answered by November 15. DTI’s responses came in two filings, one submitted on November 9, the other submitted to FERC on November 15. One of the October 26 questions (#66) asked that documentation be filed that the ACP “is not precluded from establishing an easement . . . on each Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) easement crossed.” The DTI response (November 9 filing, page 114-117)) does not provide what could be considered an adequate response, but rather attempts to make the case of why the ACP would be compatible with the easements to be crossed. The VOF has said it does not intend to act on the DTI request for permission for the ACP to cross the easements until February 9, 2017.
Dominion Responds to FERC Info Requests