Bernard McNamee, the most recent appointee to the Federal Energy Regulatory (FERC) Commission, announced on January 23 that he will not seek reappointment when his current term expires on June 30, 2020. McNamee, a former partner in the Richmond law firm of McGuireWoods, was appointed to FERC in December 2018 to fill the remainder of the term of Commissioner Ron Powelson, who resigned to become CEO of the National Association of Water Companies. Currently, FERC has only 3 of its authorized 5 commissioners, the number required for a quorum. Should McNamee leave FERC before a replacement is confirmed, FERC would have no quorum to enable it to act.
The Trump Administration has not yet appointed replacements for former commissioners Kevin McIntrye, who passed away in January 2019, and Cheryl LaFleur, whose term ended last summer. For Commissioner McNamee statement on his departure, click here. For more insights, click here.