Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a certificate to build an extension of its project that would extend into North Carolina, what it calls the Southgate Project.  The November 6 filing with FERC, stated:

The Southgate Project involves the construction of a new natural gas pipeline system including approximately 73 miles of pipe, one compressor station, associated valves, piping, and appurtenant facilities commencing near Chatham, Virginia and terminating at a delivery point with Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc. (“PSNC Energy”) near Graham, North Carolina. Mountain Valley has a long-term, binding precedent agreement with PSNC Energy for 300,000 dekatherms per day (“Dth/d”) on the Project with an anticipated in-service date of November 1, 2020.

Additional information about the Southgate Project is available here.

MVP Asks FERC for Permission to Extend Project into North Carolina
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