An analysis released today by the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition (DPMC) vividly shows how the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC (ACP, LLC) is deceiving regulators and others, in defiance of the stop work order for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) project issued August 10 by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  DPMC report details a timeline of relevant regulatory actions affecting the ACP over the recent months, accompanied by photographic evidence gathered by the Pipeline Air Force, a component of ABRA’s Compliance Surveillance Initiative.

For instance, on August 6 the U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit vacated two critical permits for the ACP, prompting FERC to issue on August 10 a stop work order for the entire project.  However, as the photographs below show, ACP, LLC continued moving materials on to the pipeline right of way, in obvious defiance of FERC’s instructions.  The complete DPMC analysis is available here.

Timeline of Defiance: Analysis Shows How ACP Games the System
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