As Chair of the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance, speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors, we commend and thank Lew Freeman for his extraordinary and competent leadership. Lew developed, coordinated, and empowered diverse peoples and organizations into the collective ABRA force that was significantly instrumental in defeating the colossal Atlantic Coast Pipeline project. In the almost 2 years since that victory, Lew has worked to steer ABRA in development of the Conservation Hub, supporting the effort to defeat the MVP, and other endeavors.

Lew’s intellect, creativity, organizational ability, and personal touch have served our communities well. We wish Lew happiness for his future, and of course will often call upon his wisdom and insight as ABRA presses forward.


– Allen Johnson, Chair

Kate Boyle, Larry Thomas, Rick Webb, Randy Kesling, Judy Rodd, Ben Luckett,                       David Sligh

A message from Allen Johnson, Chair, ABRA Board of Directors
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