Twenty conservation groups, including ABRA and several of its members, have urged the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to reject the pending application by Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC for its pipeline project to receive a permit for stream crossings under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.  The comments were jointly filed on behalf of the conservation groups on May 28 by Appalachian Mountain Advocates, Southern Environmental Law Center and Natural Resources Defense Counsel.

Major points made in the 3,800-page filing included:

  • Not only is the MVP ineligible for authorization under Nationwide Permit 12, but the proposed activities are impermissible under the individual permit program.
  • The Corps should deny the application as the MVP is not in the public interest.
  • Issuance of the permit on the expedited timeframe requested by Mountain Valley would inevitably lead to a legally indefensible permit.

Given the scale of the project and its controversial nature, the Corps should hold a public hearing in connection with its consideration of the permit.

Conservation groups urge Army Corps to reject 404 permit for MVP
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