The restoration plans for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, requested on October 27 by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and due by December 26, are still – as of this writing – somewhere in the works. Plans for what to do about the unfinished Supply Header Project, a proposed natural gas pipeline in West Virginia (33.6 miles) and Pennsylvania (3.9 miles) that would have connected existing natural gas pipelines in Ohio and Pennsylvania with the ACP, were filed with FERC on November 20.
FERC’s October 27 request specifically included the following request to be included in the ACP plan regarding concerns of affected landowners:
Discussion of the status of Atlantic’s/DETI’s consultation with landowners on matters pertaining to project disposition and restoration activities on their property, as applicable, including: a. preferences regarding treatment of pipeline segments that have already been installed (i.e., pipeline to be left in place or removed); b. preferences for removal of felled trees that have not been cleared; and c. preferences on how disturbed areas would be restored, depending on their land use type (e.g., forest, agricultural, etc.).
The Southern Environmental Law Center and many of those who submitted comments to FERC on the DETI July 10 request urged that the issue of landowner easements be included in the restoration plan.
ABRA has been in touch with responsible FERC staff regarding how the agency will proceed once the plan is submitted. In a communication to ABRA earlier this week, we were informed that FERC has not yet decided whether public comments will be permitted on the submitted restoration plan, nor has it been determined whether a final decision on the plan will be made by staff or by the Commissioners.
ABRA Update readers will be sent a special alert when the ACP restoration plan is filed with a link to the document.