The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) were stayed on December 7 by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court’s Order was the result of a motion filed November 30 by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club and The Virginia Wilderness Committee (discussed in last week’s ABRA Update). Dominion Energy, managing partner for the ACP project, issued a statement taking issue with the Court’s Order. But, for the time being, the company has halted construction on the entire project, stating in a filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: “Dominion Energy, on behalf of Atlantic and itself, has stopped construction on the entire project, except for stand-down activities needed for safety and that are necessary to prevent detriment to the environment.”
Fish and Wildlife Approval of ACP Stayed by Fourth Circuit