Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI), managing partner for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, filed on April 18 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a request to commence construction of the ACP by or before May 1, as follows:
DETI . . . requests written authorization from the Director of the Office of Energy Projects (OEP) for a Notice to Proceed to commence construction for the associated changes in the 2018 construction spreads in West Virginia on properties where tree felling has occurred or for which there are no trees, and for which legal rights for access have been obtained, specifically excluding any workspace located on National Forest Service lands, as indicated in Attachment 1 of the supplement to the IP filed on April 18, 2018. The required Federal authorizations for the activities requested have been received.
Accordingly, DETI, on behalf of Atlantic, respectfully requests that this Notice to Proceed be issued on or before May 1, 2018, to maintain the Project’s construction schedule.