A general water pollution control permit for the discharge of stormwater associated with
construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was issued on January 25 by the West Virginia
Department of Environmental protection (DEP). The agency’s approval letter states:
The erosion control measures approved by this agency for this project shall be maintained in
proper condition to individually and collectively perform the functions for which they were
designed. In order to ensure the efficiency and proper maintenance of these measures, the
permittee shall make sufficiently frequent, periodic inspections to detect any impairment of
the designed stability, capacity or environmental requirements of the approved measures.
The permittee shall take immediate steps to correct any such impairment found to exist.
In publishing the approval letter, the DEP also released a responsiveness summary on the
more than 400 comments presented to the agency in writing or at two public hearings in
December. The summary indicates that a majority of commenters were in support of the project.