Kevin J. McIntrye, an energy attorney in Washington, has been named as the new Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The June 13 White House announcement states:
Kevin J. McIntyre of Virginia to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, for the term expiring June 30, 2018, and an additional term expiring June 30, 2023, and upon confirmation, shall be designated Chairman. Mr. McIntyre is the co-leader of the global Energy Practice at the law firm Jones Day, where he has practiced law for most of his nearly 30-year legal career. A graduate of San Diego State University and Georgetown Law, Mr. McIntyre is a recognized leader in the United States energy regulatory arena, with an expansive Federal Energy Regulatory Commission practice representing clients in all industry sectors—natural gas, conventional electricity, oil, hydropower, wind power and other renewable resources, and energy marketing and trading. His work for energy clients spans administrative and appellate litigation, compliance and enforcement matters, and corporate transactions. Mr. McIntyre is active in energy industry, legal, and educational organizations, as well as in his local community. He lives in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife Jennifer and their three young children.
McIntrye will replace as chairman Cheryl LaFleur, the only currently sitting commissioner, who has been serving as Acting-Chairman but will continue as a FERC member. The McIntrye announcement marks the 4th appointment to the 5-member commission by President Trump. Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson were nominated to the Commission on May 10 and are awaiting a confirmation vote by the Senate (see ABRA Update #129 for their background). On June 28, the President announced his intent to nominate as a Commissioner Richard Glick, a Democrat, who is currently General Counsel of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. At this writing, paperwork on Mr. Glick’s appointment has not yet been sent to the Senate for his nomination to be considered by the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Details about Mr. Glick are here.